Roasted Tomato Marinara Sauce

What to do with all those tomatoes?.... Well I looked up some recipes and then decided to make it really easy and here it is. I just made enough for a meal, about 3 1/2 cups nice thick rich sauce. We put it on angel hair pasta with parmesan cheese and it was fabulous. If you have mega tomatoes on your bush just adjust your recipe accordingly. You can freeze jars for up to 3 months or keep in the fridge for 3-4 days.

I had about 20 small tomatoes. I sliced them in half and then gently squeezed the seeds and juice out of them. Slice all the halves. I didn't take the skin off either. 

Lay the slices on a jellyroll pan and sprinkle them with dried Italian seasoning. Roast in oven on 450 degrees for about 20-35 minutes or until they start to get a little browning around the edges.

While tomatoes are roasting, sauté in a pan with a tablespoon olive oil, 1/4 medium onion and 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped. Sauté until onions are cooked but do not brown. Season with salt and pepper.

When tomatoes were done roasting I put them in the blender and pulsed them twice for 1-2 seconds each. I wanted the sauce to be thick and not to smooth.  You can also use an immersion blender if you have one. I then poured the sauce into my pan with the onions and garlic, added 1 teaspoon sugar then simmered for a few minutes to meld all the flavors together. This is when you can make a taste test to see if you want to add more seasoning.

There you go, nice thick rich sauce.


Stacie said…
I LOVE fresh tomatoes, sauce or anything else you make with them. Going to try this one.