Oven Roasted Chicken Bowl

I love going into the fridge when I know I have wonderful leftovers from the day before and make a healthy bowl for lunch. This time I had some leftover chicken thighs I had baked in the oven with barbecue sauce on them and oven roasted sweet potatoes. I cut up a half of avocado and some cherry tomatoes. I needed a little more fiber so I opened a can of kidney beans and used a quarter cup or so and then chopped up some cilantro. Today I wanted my bowl plain with just some sea salt from the grinder but you can add a drizzle of any kind of dressing or even some salsa verde. Some days I put my leftovers on a bed of rice or quinoa. Use your imagination. It's delish and healthy.


1 to 2 chicken thighs
8 cherry tomatoes, halved
1 cup leftover roasted sweet potatoes
1/4 to 1/2 cup kidney beans
1/2 avocado sliced
3 stems cilantro, chopped
sea salt and pepper

Also nice on a bed of rice or quinoa with a drizzle of dressing or salsa.
